TAKE ACTION! Ban ESG Investments NOW


Earlier this year, the Mississippi Freedom Caucus alerted you of the dangers of ESG investments and how they were harmful to Mississippi taxpayers.  In an article by steering committee member John Williams, ESG – Woke or Broke John explained how investments in ESG funds were a threat to your retirement income.  

John wrote,

Many Americans save for their retirement through a tax-deferred investment account such as an IRA or 401(k).  Most of the time, this money is placed in various mutual fund companies, and their funds are then invested in the stocks of individual companies chosen by the asset managers of those funds.  The goal for these investments is simple:  invest in companies that make a profit, so your retirement assets grow as much as possible.  Less profit means less money for retirement.

Because of that article and your action to demand Mississippi take action to protect your retirement investments, State Treasurer David McRae took a stand against ESG investments.

In an article published by Magnolia Tribune, McRae listed several reasons for his stand against ESG, including;

  1. ESG standards are being applied subjectively, often according to perceived political ideology rather than hard facts.
  2. ESG policies contribute to inflation and higher costs for working Mississippians.
  3. ESG will do generational harm to Mississippi’s economy and our leading job creators.
  4. ESG scores will create bubbles in favored industries – and bubbles burst.
  5. BlackRock and other ESG investors are knowingly failing to uphold their fiduciary responsibility to PERS members by prioritizing ESG above all else.

Now we need your help again.  Rep. Dana Criswell has authored a bill that would prohibit investments by the state of Mississippi in ESG funds.  But it is in danger of dying in committee because the deadline of January 31 is quickly approaching and Chairman John Reed has not allowed a vote on this bill.

House Bill 1099 must be passed or your retirement income could be lost.

Take Action NOW!

Complete the form and send an email demanding House Bill 1099 pass the Appropriations Committee and your retirement be protected from the liberal WOKE agenda designed to take your money.  

You may also call 601-345-1211 and leave a message for Chairman John Reed.