Save Rural Healthcare – Repeal CON Laws

Everyone remembers the COVID healthcare crisis of 2019 and 2020 and the Mississippi Department of Health lamenting the lack of hospital beds in Mississippi. Everyone also remembers the fear that if you contracted the virus there might not be a hospital with a bed for you.  But what most Mississippians don’t know is that the number of hospital beds in the state is controlled by the Department of Health.  

While they were telling you there were not enough hospital beds to take care of the sick, the rules and laws of our state were the reason for the lack of beds.

Mississippi has the most restrictive and most socialistic approach to medicine of almost any state in our union.  

It is time for that to change. 

Mississippi Freedom Caucus member Chris Brown has authored a bill to repeal the socialist rules of the Mississippi Department of Health and allow free market principles to take over.  If Mississippi simply follows the Republican platform, access to healthcare in our state will improve.

The Mississippi Republican Platform says, 

“We believe our health care system can be improved by moving away from the current bureaucracy driven, heavily regulated third-party payment system to a new patient-centered system of consumer choice. We can have an affordable, accessible and quality health care system by empowering individuals and families, promoting free-market competition and embracing the benefits of technology, innovation and a fair legal climate. “

We need your help.  

Tell your Representative that you want to end government-controlled socialized medicine in Mississippi.  Ask them to support House Bill 1494 and repeal the liberal Certificate of Need regulations that have ruined healthcare in Mississippi.

You may also call  601-345-1211 and leave a message for Speaker Philip Gunn asking him to save rural healthcare by passing CON reform. 

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