Demand Protection of Religious Liberty

Today is the deadline for bills to be passed out of a committee in the Mississippi legislature.  It is extremely important that legislators hear from you today!

Our country was founded on the basic principle of religious liberty.  It is a foundational principle that must be protected.  House Bill 1302 authored by Mississippi Freedom Caucus member Steve Hopkins protects the religious freedom of parents and their children attending school.  Many parents are horrified when they find out that the vaccines forced on their children are often developed using cells for aborted children.  This violates all the beliefs and principles of most Christians. They do not want their child forcibly injected and required to participate in this unholy practice.

Representative Hopkin’s bill would simply allow parents who have a religious objection to submit a letter to school officials stating their objection and therefore exempting their child from the vaccination requirement.

Please ask your representative to protect your religious freedom by supporting HB 1302.

You may also call  601-345-1211 and leave a message for Chairman Richard Bennett asking him to allow a vote on HB 1302.

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